Moisés Mañas

Moisés Mañas (Elda, Alicante, 1973) is an artist, researcher and lecturer in interactive media at the Fine Art Department of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), where he earned his PhD in Visual Arts and Intermedia.
He has been a member of the Light Laboratory research group at UPV since the year 2000. Thanks to various grants and scholarships, Mañas has studied and researched electronic art at Solent University (Southampton, UK), Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA, USA) and Ars Electronica Center (Linz, Austria).
He began working with interactive art in the mid-1990s, developing off-line (experimental CD-ROMs) and online ( interactive multimedia narratives. His creations have appeared in many exhibitions related to art and technology in Spain and abroad since 1998, including Parlamento1# (IVAM, Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno, Valencia, 2017), Remote Signals (Tallinn, Estonia, 2016), Media Art Futures (Murcia, 2015), ARCO electrónico 2013 (Special Mention), QUARTEL 2014 (Abrantes, Portugal), The WRONG, New Digital Art Biennale (2013), Common Ground (Miami, USA, 2012), Museo de Arte Moderno de Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic, 2011), Instituto de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales (Havana, Cuba, 2011), SPACE gallery (Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2011), Digital Image-Space Festival ENTER (Canary Islands, 2009), Neue Galerie Graz (Austria, 2009), MEIAC (Badajoz, 2008), ZKM Center for Art and Media (Karlsruhe, Germany, 2008–09), Valencia Biennial 2007, FILE 04 (São Paulo, Brazil), Mediaterra 2000 and 2004 (Athens, Greece), Inmedia 2000 (Michigan, USA), Observatory 2000 (Valencia), Intertecno 2000 (Valencia), Audiovisual Creation Festival of Navarre (1998/1999/2000), Ciber@rt 1999, and Les Brassieres (Liege, Belgium, 2001).
Mañas has given lectures and participated in round tables at art and technology festivals such as FutureEverything (Manchester, UK), Ars Electronica – Electro Campus (Linz, Austria), Transmediale (Berlin), AMAZE (Berlin) and ISEA (Istanbul).