Mabel Palacín

The oeuvre of Mabel Palacín (Barcelona, 1965) is an ongoing investigation into the world of images. She explores our relationship with images and the mediating role they play in constructing reality. Her discipline of choice is photography in all its mutations, including film, video and its digital variants. She regards images as theoretical agents capable of developing models that can be used to understand and expand the contemporary visual landscape. The idea of the project is central to her working method, in which images generate instructions for use, narratives that only materialise through the images themselves. She believes that the subject matter of images is always the spectator, whose presence is required by both the spatial dimension and the multiple projection of some of her works, forging ties between image and architecture. Her installations comprise an exigent meditation on the image.
In 2011 she represented Catalonia and the Balearic Islands at the 54th Venice Biennale with the piece 180 grados [180 Degrees]. Her work has appeared in solo and group exhibitions at Galería Ángels Barcelona, Frankfurter Kunstverein and L. A. Galerie (Frankfurt), Centre d’Art Santa Mònica (Barcelona), Palazzo Bricherasio (Turin) The Agency (London), Norwich Gallery (Norwich), Transmission Gallery (Glasgow), Gwangju Biennale (South Korea), Artothek (Cologne), Galería Helga de Alvear (Madrid), Taipei Fine Arts Museum (Taiwan), Kunstbunker Tumulka (Munich), Bolsky Gallery (Los Angeles), Galerie Anne de Villepoix (Paris), Künstlerhaus Bethanien (Berlin), MUA (Alicante), Museu Colecçao Berardo (Lisbon), Salvador Dalí Museum (St Petersburg, FL), FRAC Languedoc-Roussillon (Montpellier), MACBA (Barcelona), The Albuquerque Museum (Albuquerque, NM), OK Center (Linz), Casino Luxembourg (Luxembourg), Teatro Fernán Gómez Centro de Arte (Madrid), Artium (Vitoria), Reykjavik Art Museum (Reykjavik) and other venues.
She currently lives and works in Barcelona and Milan.