
Painting in motion, as a physical act and imprint of the human body, is the essence of SUSO33’s work. This international graffiti artist has been experimenting with action painting, muralism, performance, installation and video art for three decades. Ephemeral settings, on the street or in nature, honour the memory of spaces and their inhabitants. Light always plays a starring role, whether outdoors, harnessing nature’s determining factors, or on stage, using cutting-edge technology. Far from the realm of theoretical speculation, his work penetrates and “pierces the body”. Openly critical of the dehumanisation of society, his latest pieces delve into the spiritual dimension.



Time line (Radio 3) (2014)
Yo soy pintura! Acción en ARCO (2010)
Presencias (2013)
Lope de Vega. Action - painting (2009)
C.R.A.S.H! (2009)
TREE MAN. Serie el Ciclo del Agua (2014)
MANIFIESTO. Serie Manifiestos (2014)