David Trullo

“My work focuses primarily on iconography and the different levels or contexts of the image and its processes of reproduction, representation and distribution. I move in the territory of reinterpretation, reconstruction, alteration and the relationship between then and now, high and low culture, fiction and truth: “like a tightrope walker, trying to harmonise and restore beauty as the lost continent of dialectics, and iconography as cathartic seduction. Only through the process of ritual seduction can the creative act rekindle as an epiphany.”



Fauxtographies (2013)
Fauxtographies (2013)
Timewrap (2012-2013)
Una historia verdadera (2010)
Utere felix (2014)
Coined - Acuñados (2016)
Judas. Serie Pescadores de hombres / Fishers of men (2005)
Santa María Magdalena y La Verónica. Serie catorce santos / Vierzehnheiligen (2004)